Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Guest Artist Feature: Jacquelyn Sorenson, Painter

Hello Everyone,

I want to start off by thanking Charles Wolf for the opportunity to share my story and some of my pieces with you.

“Lighthouse,” 36x36in. Acrylic on Canvas.
Artist J. Sorenson. All Rights Reserved.

My name is Jacquelyn Sorenson, and I am a self-taught artist who works out of Fort Worth, Texas. I have painted my entire life, but I quit in my twenties to pursue a corporate job for about ten years, which I hated. When I turned thirty, I met my amazing husband and that’s when things changed dramatically in my life. We got married a year later, started a video production company and bought a house. I highly recommend not doing all of these things in one year, but for whatever reason we did.

“Just Beyond the Ridge,” 36x36in. Acrylic on Canvas.
Artist J. Sorenson. All Rights Reserved.

Once his company took off, I was able to leave corporate America, giving me extra time to paint. I never showed my work to anyone, feeling I was not good enough of an artist to do so. Sharing my art made me feel exposed, and I was fearful of the criticism I might receive. My husband was the one who pushed me to get my work out into the world and to face my fears.

“Misty Morning,” 36x36in. Acrylic on Canvas.
Artist J. Sorenson. All Rights Reserved.

For the past four years, I have been re-teaching myself how to paint while learning new techniques along the way. I am now showing my work through as many outlets as I can find, including: my own Website, Facebook fan page, Instagram as well as art shows and festivals. It’s not an easy process, but slowly I’m getting my name out there.

“Walking the Fence Line,” 24x36in. Acrylic on Canvas.
Artist J. Sorenson. All Rights Reserved.

To my fellow artists in the world, life is too short, go for your dreams and never look back. Don’t be fearful for what others might think or say.

“Every artist was first an amateur” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thank you for taking to time to read a short bio about my start as a working artist. You can see all my work by clicking on the links below.

Jacquelyn Sorenson


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